[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Tue Jan 15 12:14:31 EST 2008

On 1/15/08, Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo at> wrote:
> Daniel Convissor wrote:
> > There is logic to the process.  You just need to know what the logic is.
> > And you have to keep in mind that algebraic equations don't apply when
> > comparing apples and oranges.
> >
> Yes, they do.
> 1 Apple != 1 orange
> The problem arises when a = b and b = c, but a != c or b != a. Violation
> of commutativity and/or transitivity of equality is a major problem that
> makes PHP (and some other languages) confusing and unsuitable for
> teaching. In fact, most languages have this problem to greater or lesser
> degrees, but PHP is tilting strongly toward the greater end of that scale.
> There certainly is logic to PHP, but it's insane troll logic. It is not
> a clean and elegant human logic like any normal person would expect and
> understand without years of reeducation. Of course to those of us who
> have had our brains rewired, this may seem normal, but it's not. We are
> the ones marching out of step with the band.

PHP is not Mathematica. It's primarily a template based system for
emitting text so much of the logical details you're describing are
optimized for that purpose.

> Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

This is funny because I think one of the biggest warts with Java is
bloated poorly designed libs like NIO. As the author of JCIFS (the
Java CIFS networking client), which is pretty sophisticated about
multiplexing requests, I have some experience in this area and I have
found that Java is rather bad for writing efficient networking
clients. The limitations in the synchronized primitive is a problem
for us. We really need a simple condition variable but the concurrency
API bloated to the point where I want to implement a simple condvar
using synchronized but that's a non-trivial error prone exercise. It's
all very disappointing really since the language by itself is great.


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Michael B Allen
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