[nycphp-talk] MySQL bought by SUN.

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Jan 16 13:06:56 EST 2008

> > Pretty interesting stuff... OpenSolaris/MySQL could be a powerful
duo -
> > in addition, of course, to the existing de-facto Solaris/Oracle duo.
> I think this is more about attaching a brand like Sun to the MySQL
> database rather than trying to create a better Solaris MySQL stack.
> "MySQL from Sun" has more credibility with enterprise customers than
> "MySQL from MySQL AB".  It should be good news for LAMP developers,
> because it will lead to more acceptance of MySQL in the enterprise
> which increases demand for LAMP coders.   The best news here is

Oh sure, but with Sun's OpenSolaris, one has to wonder if the more
attractive flavor of AMP could become OSAMP...

> that we no longer have to worry about Oracle buying MySQL.

And from the who-me-worry department, this quote sums it up:

> If MySQL goes the way of Java, maybe there isn't too
> much to worry about.

>From the PostgreSQL-General List...


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