[nycphp-talk] Ruby gets another framework

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Jan 21 15:48:23 EST 2008

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> See:
> Interesting. So Rails isn¹t the be all and end all within the Ruby
> community. Makes me feel so much better. Just think, maybe in a year or two,
> ruby will have 20 ­ 40 frameworks to chose from!

There's also the Camping (micro)framework:

(Not that this is news in the NYC Ruby/Rails community).

As I said to a friend recently, there's really not much you can't do in 
PHP too. A lot of Rails' ideas have flowed back into various PHP 
frameworks (which is a Good Thing).

You could also read Zed Shaw's "Rails is a Ghetto" rant for some community 
insight (just ignore the bit where he says PHP programmers are morons!).


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