[nycphp-talk] What with you do with 4Gig of RAM?

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Jan 21 20:52:44 EST 2008

Have I asked this already? If so, my apologies. First the vision went, now
perhaps the memory ‹ I¹m not sure, can¹t remember...

So I negotiated 4Gig of memory in my server. Hey, ya always got to ask for a
little ³extra.² I got 15K scsci drives and know what to do with them. The
question is, what do I do with all that memory?

Throw a few more shims at apc? Set up memcached? Allocate some to an mysql
cache, if there is such a thing. Other ideas? I got it, so may as well start
working on making the best use of it. Suggestions?


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