[nycphp-talk] MySQL PHP Class generation

bzcoder bzcoder at
Wed Jul 9 10:16:25 EDT 2008

Getting tired of typing the same functions over and over to create a 
table class in PHP, so I'm working out script for my editor(Komodo) to 
do it for me.

I decided to go the XML/XSLT route because I can use the same code to 
make an online web interface(since PHP5 has such nice XSLT function 
support), pretty easily automate creating the XML given an existing 
MySQL table, and most importantly Javascript can also be used to do the 
conversion(leading me to be able to create everything from within my IDE 
since it has a javascript macro interface).

I also figure since Komodo supports PHP unit testing, I can create the 
unit test for the class at the same time.

Soo, before I go reinventing the wheel, does anyone have any good links 
for creating simple table classes using XML/XSLT(yes I did run across 
the plugin for Eclipse to do the same thing.  In the end their 
terminology did not really appeal to me - and since this is for ME to 
use, I might as well make it the way I want).

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