[nycphp-talk] Handling empty values in hashes

Mark Armendariz lists at
Fri Jul 18 12:16:24 EDT 2008

Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Paul:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 02:58:00PM -0400, paul at wrote:
>> isset($array[$key])
>> how's that different from array_key_exists?
> isset() thinks NULL is not set.  Similarly, empty() can be used for stuff 
> like this, but of course, it thinks NULL, 0, FALSE and "" are all the 
> same.  Which function to use depends on how your program needs to work.  
I also prefer array_key_exists - mostly due to being exactly what I need 
when I use it (checking for a key, though I recall seeing somewhere 
(sorry no source, but should be easy enough to test), that isset is 
somewhat faster than array_key_exists.

Anyways, I like the article, but I noticed 2 errors.

You forgot an "I" in "mplementations" in the 2nd paragraph.

And you have an extra closing parentheses in one of your early examples:
[11] if ($_GET["q"])) {  // <-- Extra Closing Paren.
[12]     throw new InvalidInputException("You must specify a query");
[13] }

Have a great weekend NYPHP!

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