[nycphp-talk] CSS problem???

David Mintz david at
Mon Jul 28 20:43:06 EDT 2008

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:36 PM, tedd <tedd at> wrote:

> <snip/>
> My figures show IE 6 has about 26 percent of the market and that figure is
> dropping about a percent a month. So I plan on supporting it for probably
> another two years.
The question is who is that 26% and do you have to care about them? I've
been developing an app for a private audience, inside an intranet, so you'd
think it would be easy in that at least I know whom to expect and what they
are running. Turns out that some of my most  useful cute Web 2.0 tricks fail
in the browser that a lot of them are running:  IE6. Why don't they upgrade?
Because, I am told, IE6 is the top and the end of the line for their Windows
flavor, Win 2K , and management doesn't want to pay Microsoft prices to
upgrade. I need Scriptaculous' autocompleter to work -- it's supposed to
support IE6, but it aint so in my case. I am forced to consider dumbing down
my UI to the lowest common denominator.

Pardon the OT, I guess is isn't about CSS per se.

David Mintz

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