[nycphp-talk] Re: Javascript Highlighter

Aniesh joseph anieshjoseph at
Wed Jun 18 06:33:11 EDT 2008

I mentioned about anothr HighLighter. To see Highlighter, please do the
following. Another site uses a similar Highlighter as part of an online

1 Login to their site. URL and other details are:

User Name: anieshjoseph at
Password: test123

2. Click on 'Restart Online'. If it doesn't work, please click on 'Start

3. On the left side of the question, there is some texts are displayed.
Please select some texts and it will be highlighted. You can select many
text like this and all be highlighted.

 When you click on a highlighted portion, then it will lose the selection.

Please NOTE, this works only in Internet Explorer.

I wish to create a Highlighter like this. I also need it to be work on
Mozilla and Explorer. if possible, it need to work on all browsers.

Can you send some suggestions on where I can start with this work ?
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