[nycphp-talk] ColdFusion vs PHP (Ruby, Perl....)

Webmaster consult at
Thu May 1 09:02:05 EDT 2008


I'm sorry I had only given you an enterprise resource (although you can 
run BlueDragon with localhost access only for free). Here is a fantastic 
community resource, that will allow you to really stress test that CF 
Some Javaheads like me think that this is even better than BlueDragon.

Although I'm still a huge fan of CF8, as it has introduced inherent PHP 
and Ruby support:


David Mintz wrote:
> How about the non-free closed-sourcedness, or is it? I prefer 
> something I can download and run on my own pc if I please --  IOW I'd 
> like to be able to run a replica of the live CF site without paying 
> anyone any money. The article on wikipedia said you could 
> "theoretically" run your CF app with an app server like Tomcat. With 
> something like MySQL/PHP you can way more than "theoretically" run a 
> copy of your production site on your own box, both technically and 
> legally.
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Webmaster 
> <consult at <mailto:consult at>> wrote:
>     Dave,
>     I work with Coldfusion day-in and day-out. It is a fantastic
>     language that can get a lot of things done quickly. It's powerful,
>     versatile and has an easy-enough learning curve. Don't listen to
>     anyone who just says 'PHP is better', or, 'If you're starting from
>     scratch, start with PHP', any evaluation to that degree is coming
>     from someone who has little to no experience with C vs. Java. (Yes
>     originally CF was written in C, but in much wisdom they moved to
>     Java).
>     I am very well versed in CF and would be more than happy to answer
>     any of your questions off list David.
>     -Ed
>     Me at
>         Flame me for starting this, I know it might get religious.
>         But:  an organization of which I am a member is evaluating
>         proposals to rebuild its website. One of those proposals is
>         from some folks who apparently are partial to ColdFusion. All
>         I know about CF is what I just picked up from skimming
> Recognizing my bias
>         towards languages that I speak, I try to keep an open mind. I
>         am interested in hearing what you guys think about CF. I know
>         I can expect a PHPish bias in this forum but I also know there
>         are a lot of independent-minded, non-dogmatic, clear-headed,
>         breath-takingly wise and knowledgeable... have I flattered you
>         enough yet?
>         -- 
>         David Mintz
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> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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