[nycphp-talk] Twitter Abandons RoR

Ben Sgro ben at
Fri May 2 15:53:35 EDT 2008


but I still believe it's something of a fad.

Brian D. wrote:
> I think it's been confirmed as a rumor at this point.
> Still, was interesting to talk about. I was at Jelly NYC (a co-working
> group) this morning and the news item was inspiring a little
> discussion. Rails is definitely popular here in NYC with the startup
> crowd, but I still believe it's something of a fad.
> On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:
>>>> Great topic for the May meeting:
>>  > >
>>  > >
>>  > >
>>  > >  H
>>  >
>>  > What's the topic, Hans? How to build your own Twitter or how to blame
>>  > your embarrassing outages on a framework?
>>  >
>>  > Either one would be interesting and of potential use to our members.
>>  Or how RoR is a fad? *duck*  :)
>>  Apparently, this might actually all be a rumor:
>>  Although in either case, there is apparently some confusion over at twitter as to what technology they'd like to use.
>>  H
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