[nycphp-talk] Abstracting CSS: Reusable HTML UI Components

Mark Armendariz lists at
Sat May 3 23:32:05 EDT 2008

Michael B Allen wrote:
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Mark Armendariz <lists at> wrote:
>> Michael B Allen wrote:
>>> Secondarily, would you expect a professional library of this type to use
>>> tableless forms? Personally I have never been able to create tableless
>>> forms and have things line up into columns. So for now I'm going to use
>>> tables but I would be very interested in hearing someone make a case
>>> for tableless forms.
> <snip>
>>                      .myapp label {
>>                float:left;
>>                width: 70px;
>>                clear: left;
> <snip>
>>  As for making a case for css forms, I think the above example speaks for
>> itself.
> As in good or bad? Your label width is fixed at 70px. If I lengthen
> the text of one of those labels the form element is displayed right
> over the top of it.
> Mike

Well, the caveat is that the labels won't auto-fit for the whole 
'column', but it's simple to fix by increasing the label width.  I think 
the benefit of cleaner code trumps the auto-resizing the labels.  
Otherwise, you could write a js function that checks the label text and 
resizes them accordingly.  In the end it's a matter of personal style / 
choice, but I'd much rather maintain a tableless layout by adjusting a 
single css file than try to dance around table tags - even if they are 
auto-generated - especially if they're auto-generated since that means 
you have less html to maintain within your php code that generates the html.

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