[nycphp-talk] one special question

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Wed May 28 09:44:08 EDT 2008

chad qian wrote:
> I run into problem with the following in my project:
> Today,People select 20 thumbnail pictures and add them to the cart.
>  >From tomorrow,website will email one picture per day to the people's 
> email automatically.
> How to php to email one picture per day?
> I have no idea here.Any help?thanks!

This is not a question about PHP but rather a question about 
programming, that is, the logic of making things happen. It is therefore 
solvable not by syntax but rather by thought. I wonder whether such 
questions are appropriate for this list. Although I have an opinion on 
this issue, I refrain from expressing it here, in the interest of 
letting list members in general answer it either explicitly or 
implicitly, by either giving or not giving possible answers.

Michael Southwell
Vice President, Education

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