[nycphp-talk] Error checking a simple link

Tony Furnivall tfurnivall at
Fri Nov 21 17:59:09 EST 2008

Hi (Newbie alert)

I have a link (via a submit button) which ideally allows a user to sign-in
to a more secure level of the site. My question is, how do I tell the
browser which way to go at the end of the script?

If there are no errors, go to the next level, but if there are errors, then
stay where you are and fix them, or be content with the lower level of
access. The validation includes the usual database accesses, and so on. All
of it is working fine apart from the niggling question (which way to go).

I'm certain that this is sufficiently well-documented that I'm just looking
it up in the wrong places, or using the wrong search terms. However, it is
frustrating not to be able to map an intuitive if .. then .. else construct
onto something as fundamental as 'the next page to load is...'.



PS  the code for the form includes <form action = "PHP/signin.php">
and the script presently does all the error checking. However, it has no
mechanism for moving past the script.....
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