[nycphp-talk] Anyone using Amazon S3 for backup?

Leam Hall leam at
Sat Nov 22 07:09:32 EST 2008

Old thread that comes to mind as we're down-sizing at home. I can do
almost everything on my laptop and check in to a remote SVN but my wife
is a photographer and needs a place to store her images that are not yet
edited for SmugMug. I can easily see 60G by the end of the year, and
given that she's a good and prolific photographer, more as it goes. 

One idea is a "distributed amoungst friends" netowrk where I set up some
servers in other people's houses and share space in trade for power and
connectivity. Another is the S3 thing from Amazon, but as noted the lack
of rsync is an issue. My wife's Mac could probably be set up to do
something besides ftp, once we find a location to put stuff. 

Any more current ideas?


On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 12:23 -0500, Rob Marscher wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> > Is anyone using Amazon S3 for backup?
> Here's an oft-referenced article by Jeremy Zawodny:
> I personally have only used S3 for serving/storing media and haven't
> done so on a very large scale yet.
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