[nycphp-talk] Dealing with forum spammers

Joe joedevon at
Tue Oct 14 11:44:11 EDT 2008

In response to the fellow having problems with forum spammer, google "Bad Behavior" and install it. 

Other ideas. 

Create a question where people have answer for example "5+2". Or forego that because it's a pain and simply add a form field that you use css to hide from humans and if that field gets filled out, then you know it's a bot and you don't let them in. Or alternatively, if they fail that test, you can pop up a captcha. You can also add some javascript which scrapers tend not to scrape, so if the javascript wasn't pulled with the page, you know it's likely a bot. 

Also add a referer requirement. Make sure the previous page to form submission came from one of your domains. If it didn't, it's likely a scammer.

Hope this helps.


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