[nycphp-talk] Sun/MySQL/PHP Special Presentation - YOU PICK

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Oct 29 12:20:54 EDT 2008


We're pleased to host two of Sun/MySQL premier technical team members for a
NYPHP Special Presentation, November 12th.  We'll put the announcement out
this week, but first you need to pick which presentation should be given -
these are technical/overview presentations.

These are the options (some have descriptions for greater clarity) - a
simple plus one for ONE presentation that you'd like is all that's needed.

Please provide feedback ASAP so that we can schedule things correctly.

-- Writing Tag systems in PHP/MySQL, that scale to memcached, with XDebug
for Profiling;  Writing a social application such as forums, messaging or
guilds with PHP/MySQL and what happens when a million people show up on
opening day.

-- MySQL 5.1 features

-- Using MySQL partitions in practice

-- MySQL Proxy wizardry

-- Testing with MySQL Sandbox
MySQL Sandbox is a tool that can install a side instance of MySQL in a few
seconds, efficiently, precisely, and without influencing existing
installations. Testing new versions can be tedious and error prone. Using
MySQL Sandbox, the process of testing single servers or replication systems
can be greatly simplified.

-- MySQL Community How To
A sort of movie of the ways a community member can participate to the MySQL
project, with a step-by-step illustration of what is available and how to
use it, from getting help with forums to contributing code, passing through
events, reporting bugs, publishing projects.

-- Creative cross-language programming with MySQL
Although MySQL is sometimes perceived as a minimalist DBMS, it has a huge
potential for creative hacks. The Federated and Blackhole engine, MySQL
Proxy, user variables, and some other hooks allow the imaginative developer
to achieve impressive results independently from the client's programming

-- Advanced Lua programming for MySQL Proxy
Having learned the basic of Lua programming for Proxy, some advanced topics
can be covered.  This session will explain how to tackle some difficult
tasks with the Proxy, organizing your work so that you can create a new
script in minutes:
 -- using a script loader to change script at run time, without restarting;
 -- creating new commands
 -- creating quick methods for returning datasets and error messages to the
 -- Executing multiple commands in the Proxy, while returning only one
result to the client
 -- chaining more scripts to extend Proxy feature

Hans Zaunere / Managing Member / New York PHP  /

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