[nycphp-talk] Converting the pesky MS Word quotes and other characters

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Oct 29 23:55:26 EDT 2008

 * Gets rid of stupid quotes, etc.
 * This uses a convoluted preg_replace() approach, rather than
 * str_replace(), because Chrome (the REAL Chrome, as in Firefox 
 * applications, not Google's usurpation) translates the characters.
 * If you need to see what characters are coming in, uncomment
 * the debug call to analyze_string_polaris() that exists at the top
 * of this method.
 * @see analyze_string_polaris()
function filter_fancy_characters_polaris($in) {
    static $search, $replace;

    // echo analyze_string_polaris($in);

    if (!isset($search)) {
        $search = array(

            // The order of these is very important.

        $replace = array(
            ' ',

    return preg_replace($search, $replace, $in);

 * Returns the hex, oct and ord numbers of characters found in a string;
 * makes debugging odd user input much easier
 * @see filter_fancy_characters_polaris()
function analyze_string_polaris($in) {
    $out = '';
    for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($in); $i < $len; $i++) {
        $out .= '  Chr:' . $in[$i];
        $out .= '  Hex:' . dechex(ord($in[$i]));
        $out .= '  Oct:' . decoct(ord($in[$i]));
        $out .= '  Ord:' . ord($in[$i]);
        $out .= "\n-------\n";
    return $out;

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