[nycphp-talk] PHP to Online Payment Processing

Kristina Anderson ka at
Tue Sep 2 20:24:00 EDT 2008

Peter -- for people who do a lot of international sales and need fraud 
protection, WorldPay is a decent option that some are using.

It's not as easy to set up as Paypal but not too onerous.  
Documentation was good a few years back at least.

-- Kristina

> I know that with PHP (and, of course, without PHP) it is a snap to
> create something like an online Contribute button on a web site that
> hooks to PayPal for credit card contribution/payment processing.
> But, client doesn't want to use PayPal. 
> So is anyone aware of any other similar or alternate service provider
> that can very similarly allow users to contribute online to something
> like a medical center construction fund. So that the client can likely
> set up an account with the provider and then users can uncomplicatedly
> contribute online to the fund via a major credit card(s).
> Warmest regards, 
> Peter Sawczynec 
> Technology Dir.
> Sun-code Interactive
> 941.893.0396
> ps at
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