[nycphp-talk] LEMP?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Apr 28 14:31:19 EDT 2009

Would love to know what everyone's experiences were with
nginx-vs-lighttpd, as both seem to basically achieve the same exact
thing while being separate projects. Is there a reason you chose nginx
over lighttpd?

-- Mitch

2009/4/25  <oorza2k5 at>:
> Hey, all, new to the mailing list (really, the first email I've sent :D).
> I was wondering if anyone had any experience using the EMP (nginx, mysql,
> php) instead of the AMP stack, specifically using php-fpm as a process
> manager?
> I've read some pretty impressive benchmarks:
> and
> recently got it compiled and have been playing with it. It seems great, but
> I was wondering if there were any suggestions, warnings, weird behaviors,
> etc. that I should be aware of. To date, I've only noticed one thing, namely
> that $_SERVER['HTTPS'] isn't set when using SSL (easy enough to workaround)
> but do I need to keep my eye out for anything else?
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