[nycphp-talk] Advice on OOP & Frameworks

Paul M Jones pmjones88 at
Sun Aug 23 21:12:10 EDT 2009

On Aug 23, 2009, at 10:36 , Guilherme Blanco wrote:

> It really depends on what you plan to do.

I believe this is well-intentioned but misguided advice.  I assert  
that it more about "how you like to work" than it is about "what you  
plan to do".

You can do pretty much the same things in one framework as you can in  
another.  Some particular tasks may require more workaround effort  
than others in each different framework, but none of them will prevent  
you from doing any particular task.

What you *cannot* do is change the fundamentals of how the framework  
wants *you* to work.  Each framework makes assumptions about how you  
should structure your approach to the work you need to do.  Each one  
imposes a different kind of structure to your work.  Once you know how  
you like to do things, the best framework for your style of working  
will become obvious after you examine them.

For an expanded take on this theme, you may wish to read my article  
from last year's PHP Advent, "The Framework As Franchise."

Hope this helps, and good luck. :-)


Paul M. Jones

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