[nycphp-talk] Advice on OOP & Frameworks

Yitzchak Schaffer yitzchak.schaffer at
Mon Aug 24 10:56:23 EDT 2009

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> I like both styles of frameworks for different reasons, and there are
> emerging projects like Kohana (really cool!) and Silverstripe/Sapphire
> that have modern approaches. Both merit a serious gander, IMHO.

I've developed one major project (in progress) and one smaller one in 
symfony, both "standard" MySQL-based apps, the major one having (I 
think) a complex data model & business logic.  It's been great for us, 
and good documentation, too.

I recently worked on a project to build a new frontend on an ancient 
open-source digital collection management system.  Because this project 
has its own peculiar data-storage mechanisms (not your normal 
database-backed system), I looked for something more open-ended, and 
ended up going with CodeIgniter.

I found the PHP4 mix of quasi-OOP and magical function calls out of thin 
air [e.g. get_instance() ] to be a bit bizarre.  It was only in the 
course of working on this project, and identifying certain issues in 
developing it, that I was prepared to read Zandstra's PHP Objects and 
really start to "get" the OOP patterns philosophy.

I then heard about Kohana, which is a (more?) strictly OOP, PHP5 port of 
CodeIgniter.  This answered my problems with CI's quirks; now, armed 
with my enhanced OOP understanding and Kohana, I have in the plans to 
rewrite my app in Kohana, when my shop's schedule allows.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaffer at

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