[nycphp-talk] Advice on OOP & Frameworks

y2rob at y2rob at
Mon Aug 24 17:21:36 EDT 2009

hello bev,
i personally like codeigniter, though i guess there is an offshoot framework now that's catching steam, which is built off of codeigniter, kohana. ?i've worked with zend last year when researching frameworks, as well as cakephp, but i still liked codeigniter for it's ease of doing things, as well as having a great community to ask questions - meaning the forums on the codeigniter site is very active and you're guaranteed to get a response to your questions. again, this is my personal preference and i do see similarities between all the mentioned frameworks and there are modules modeled after zend libraries that are ported to work in codeigniter and kohana, so they have to be doing something right with their framework to be a basis of these modules.

i think if i were doing a large enterprise project that had sufficient budget and development time, i'd go with zend or a custom cakephp framework with the use of zend libraries for security reasons, but for the average development of websites or quick projects, i think codeigniter is the way to go; or perhaps kohana since it's built off of codeigniter.

i hope this was helpful and not taken as gospel :)


-----Original Message-----
From: lists at <lists at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2009 3:44 am
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Advice on OOP & Frameworks

Hello ladies & gentlemen,

I've just purchased my first book on PHP Object-Oriented Programming and
 have also been looking at all the frameworks that abound. I'm unsure of
where to go from here.

To date (and by necessity) most of my projects have been pretty simple
and done in a shared hosting environment--e.g. last year I did my first
Drupal site, I recently rebuilt a custom content management system that
I inherited from someone else & debugged/completed a couple of years
ago, and I've written a maintenance contract expiration tracker for one
of our clients (which works but still needs to be polished)... Actually,
that's pretty much it aside from playing with stuff in my personal sandbox.

Due to my lack of programming experience, I've been doing things in a
less than elegant way and I suspect this is causing me a lot of extra
work, not to mention frustration. I'm loathe to move beyond my current
comfort zone, but I know I MUST if I'm going to make any progress.

Please bear in mind that my primary role is that of graphic/web
designer, therefore I'm unable to devote as much time to my PHP/MySQL
skills as I'd like.

Soooo anyway, I'm looking at the possibility of using a framework that
will work in a shared hosting environment and might help me develop
things faster by not having to re-invent the wheel every time.

Would CodeIgniter fit the bill? I have no idea how to judge which
framework might be best for me, and don't want to waste time learning
one that I'm going to outgrow 12 months from now. Should I even be
thinking about frameworks at this point, or would I be better off
reading through & understanding the OOP book first?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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