[nycphp-talk] OOP, Frameworks, ONLAMP, and NYPHP

Leam Hall leam at
Wed Aug 26 05:58:58 EDT 2009

More timing...or synchronicity...

As we discuss the learning path and stages, I've heard that ONLAMP will 
not really continue. I mentioned ONLAMP's aged articles to you a few 
months ago and was all hyped about upgrade and reform. ONLAMP has helped 
me in several ways and it's nice to have links to go back to as I try to 
understand sub-topics.

NYPHP has PHundamentals. Not as extensive as ONLAMP, but with more 
growth potential. Also, I will note that not only do I not live in or 
near the City but yesterday I pointed a PHP newbie to this list as a 
great resource. If you want somewhere culturally and economically, if 
not geographically, distant from NYC, come on down to SW Ga for a visit!

So the question on personal growth seems to have an option of expanding 
the NYPHP sphere of influence. With ONLAMP receding is this a good time 
to grow the PHundamentals and NYPHP? Or are there other places and 
portals to fill ONLAMP's shoes?


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