[nycphp-talk] naming identifiers

lists at lists at
Sun Aug 30 12:01:06 EDT 2009

Kristina D. H. Anderson wrote:
> Bev,
> Good morning to you as well!  I'd imagine that yes, the table-creation 
> widget inside phpMyAdmin probably does execute the queries that way, as 
> that seems to be its default mode.  I'm not sure if you can change 
> settings to remove that behavior...

I don't know if it can be changed either, but I'm certainly going to be
more careful from now on.

> There are a lot of reasons to like phpMyAdmin (well, a few reasons at 
> least) but also a lot of reasons to hate it.  For instance, once the 
> database reaches a certain size, you won't be able to back it up using 
> phpMyAdmin, but will have to use the command line.  That's sort of lame.
> At the bare minimum, if you're going to use phpMyAdmin to create 
> tables, do it in raw SQL instead of using the widget.  

I'll have to try that. I think I'm also going to see if I can talk my
employer into getting paying for Navicat. It caught the table naming
issue right away, so that's a plus. Besides, having a tool that allows
me to see a graphic representation of my table relationships helps
tremendously as I need to  see things in order to learn & retain them.

> PS I'm wondering what my mother would say if she knew I spent basically 
> my entire weekend talking about databases..."that's no way to find a 
> husband, Kristina" is what she'd probably say...and she's probably 
> right.  Lucky thing I'm not looking for one....!

LOL! Hey, I'm 47, contentedly divorced, spend all my time on the
computer smoking & drinking coffee, and my only house mates are my two
cats. I think I'm well on my way to being that weird old lady that all
the kids in the neighborhood are afraid of. :)


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