[nycphp-talk] Firefox 3.5.5 not rendering PHP

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Fri Dec 4 13:55:36 EST 2009

Do you have any tools to look at the headers coming back from the server?

My guess is that the content-type or disposition is being set weird. The PHP
script is *only* doing phpinfo() right?

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Néstor <rotsen at> wrote:

> Apache is working.
> The index.html is displaying
> the error.log :
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:48 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.2.8
> configured -- resuming normal operations
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:48 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:48 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4048
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:48 2009] [notice] Child 4048: Child process is running
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:49 2009] [notice] Child 5444: Released the start mutex
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:49 2009] [notice] Child 4048: Acquired the start mutex.
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:49 2009] [notice] Child 4048: Starting 64 worker threads.
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:50 2009] [notice] Child 4048: Starting thread to listen
> on port 80.
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:50 2009] [notice] Child 5444: All worker threads have
> exited.
> [Fri Dec 04 10:37:50 2009] [notice] Child 5444: Child process is exiting
> I can see the phpinfo output on my IE 8 but no on FF 3.5.5
> :-(
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Tom Sartain <tomsartain at> wrote:
>> First off, try testing in another browser because I doubt that this is a
>> Firefox specific issue.
>> Second, try putting a static HTML page on the server and requesting that.
>> It should show up fine.
>> Third, and really, this should be one of the first things you always do,
>> check the error logs for Apache and PHP. Chances are that there is something
>> in there that would tell you what it causing the problem. Initial guesses
>> would be that either Apache is throwing an error while trying to load PHP or
>> that the content type and/or handler for .php files is not being set
>> properly.
>> One other thing to check on is whether the PHP code is actually executing.
>> Try putting some error_logs or writing to a file or anything that you can
>> verify outside of a browser. If these things happen, then it is a problem of
>> Apache not knowing how to serve the file, not whether it should be executed
>> or not.
>> Try these things first, then let us know of anything you find. I can
>> almost guarantee that it is an Apache configuration issue.
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