[nycphp-talk] Firefox 3.5.5 not rendering PHP

Néstor rotsen at
Mon Dec 7 19:45:29 EST 2009

I am mor econvinced now that it is somthing to do with PHP talking to MYSQL
because I did install one of those packages (wampserver) last Thursday and
it was failing also.  My PHP files that do not have any calls to the
work but as soon as I use a php file that access myqsl I get that error


Nestor :-)

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:10 PM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:

> Nasir Zubair wrote:
>> Just a thought, are your extensions (mysql.dll, etc) working properly? On
>> windows, they can be a pain to configure.
> Which is why I can only second what someone else mentioned before: download
> the package from ApacheFriends and install it. Then make sure that
> everything works. Then replace their htdocs folder with yours, then copy in
> the MySQL databases without overwriting the system databases followed by the
> table update. This approach works well, but has one flaw. I never can manage
> to get the MySQL user accounts and rights to copy over correctly, so I just
> create the few user accounts I have new. You may want to try backup&restore
> instead. Lastly, I uncomment the modules that I need for PHP in the php.ini.
> I keep a list of what I need for the projects that I run. One Apache restart
> later I am up and running.
> I use ApacheFriends XAMPP in production use for almost ten years and I can
> only say two things about it: it always works and it is darn easy to set up.
> Sure, I don't learn about the detailed configurations and such, but I am
> happy with outsourcing that to Germany.
> David
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