[nycphp-talk] run my own mail server or use a 3rd party service?

Konstantin K kkrutoi at
Fri Dec 25 23:50:49 EST 2009

On Friday, December 25, 2009, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> Not really - simply relying on SMTP from a PHP script is not really a
> reliable (or efficient) way to send out email. Much better to have a
> dedicated mail server that can queue the email, handle retries and
> bounces, etc. Your PHP script should just hand off the email to your mail
> server.

That's exactly what I'm doing :). But I'm trying to avoid having to
setup another box with postifx and all the other stuff on it.
Basically I don't want to maintain my own SMTP server. I'd like a 3rd
party service which I can just send the emails to and they would send
it out on my behalf

> --
> Aj. (wearing sys admin hat).
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