[nycphp-talk] cheapest and best way to server 1TB worth of data per month

Konstantin K kkrutoi at
Tue Dec 29 03:03:12 EST 2009

I looked into using Google Apps Engine:

1. It's pretty fast!
2. The "free quotas" are pretty big, EXCEPT for the outgoing bandwith
(only 1GB/day = 30GB/month)
3. It's pretty simple to set it up.
4. It's very hard to automate versioning of static data - with a CDN,
it can pull the latest data from the origin server.

I will try out simplecdn, and let you guys know how it works when I launch.

Thanks for the suggestions.


On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Brian O'Connor <gatzby3jr at> wrote:
> You may also want to look into using Google App Engine and use that as
> a CDN by keeping all of your static files on Google's servers.
> Just a thought.
> On 12/25/09, Konstantin K <kkrutoi at> wrote:
>> Im seriously considering going with SimpleCDN.  For about $40/month =
>> 1TB/month, which isn't too bad and there's no extra server to maintain!
>> I'm not sure what the traffic profile will look like, I expect it to be
>> steady with some spikes if we get some publicity...
>> I have the same fear as David, cuz I've had godaddy "transition" my site to
>> a bigger server without notifying me and resulting in a 7 day downtime
>> because I was using too much resources...
>> Edward, what are you saying?  You would go with godaddy?
>> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Edward Potter
>> <edwardpotter at>wrote:
>>> i think the advantage of S3 is now you have to learn S3. That knowledge
>>> could be worth millions to your down the road. Think big! I have seen some
>>> cloud/iphone integrated code, just about zero wait times to deliver some
>>> heavy graphics manipulations over the network.
>>>  I was pretty amazed at the speeds.
>>> (PS Godaddy will probably be fine) :-)
>>>   On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Konstantin K <kkrutoi at> wrote:
>>>>   looks like godaddy has unlimited plan for $15/month! or 1.5TB/month for
>>>> $7/month
>>>> any comments on this?
>>>> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Konstantin K <kkrutoi at> wrote:
>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>> I need some expert advice.
>>>>> Let's say I have about 2MB of static data (images, css, js) and I need
>>>>> to serve about 1TB worth of it per month to users who visit this site.
>>>>>  I know that means at least 500,000 page views per month (not
>>>>> considering browsers caching images, etc).
>>>>> What's the cheapest (but still fast) way to serve 1TB worth of static
>>>>> data  per month?
>>>>> A) AWS S3
>>>>>      I think this comes out to about $180/month.
>>>>> B) dedicated server
>>>>>      With nginx or lighttpd
>>>>> C) shared hosting
>>>>>      godaddy?
>>>>> D) ???
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Konstantin
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