[nycphp-talk] Recycling of ini files

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Mon Feb 16 09:26:26 EST 2009

Additionally, I've seen and made conf and ini files with all the line
spacing and comments stripped out and that also makes for a nice short
and pithy file. (You can keep a copy of a default ini laying around in
case you need a reference.)

> To simplify tracking and maintenance, in major systems I've worked on,

> the configuration files only contained a few lines.  Those lines
> the settings that we didn't like the default values built in to PHP, 
> MySQL or Apache.

But, I just want to clarify here, Dan. So you are saying you can delete
every entry in the Apache conf and MySQL, PHP ini and the products will
work correctly on their own using all default settings that are actually
pre-programmed into the product and get applied with or without the
config files.

And you are saying you need only keep your changed settings in the conf
and ini files?

Do I get that correctly?

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir.
ps at 

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Daniel Convissor
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 9:15 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Recycling of ini files

Hi David:

> Yesterday I applied patches and upgrades to my servers (Apache, MySQL,

> PHP) and while that worked out nicely except that I yet again have to 
> recreate all the MySQL user accounts

Uh, "have" is the wrong word there. :)  You don't need to drop a
before upgrading.  You leave your old tables in place and MySQL provides

upgrade scripts that implement changes between server versions.

> Can I recycle the ini/conf files for Apache and PHP going from version
> version?

Of course.


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