[nycphp-talk] Recycling of ini files

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Feb 16 10:04:17 EST 2009

Hi David:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 09:56:27AM -0500, David Krings wrote:
> Daniel Convissor wrote:
>> Uh, "have" is the wrong word there. :)  You don't need to drop a 
>> database before upgrading.  You leave your old tables in place and 
>> MySQL provides upgrade scripts that implement changes between server 
>> versions.
> So you are saying I could drop in the old system tables as well and run 
> the update application?


> I read several tutorials and they all stated  
> explicitly that one should not do that, but only apply that update 
> mechanism to the own tables.



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