[nycphp-talk] Times Open

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Tue Feb 17 13:24:26 EST 2009

On Feb 17, 2009, at 13:07, Ajai Khattri wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Brian Dailey wrote:
>> I got the email that says it was booked up on January 30.
>> "Unfortunately, because of space limitations, we cannot extend a
>> registration confirmation at this time. You have automatically been
>> moved to the wait list and if a seat becomes available, we'll let  
>> you know."
> I registered on 1/30 and my email said:
> 'Thank you for your interest in attending Times Open. We're pleased to
> inform you that a seat at the conference has been reserved in
> your name.
> Because attendance is limited and there is a waiting list, please  
> RSVP to
> code at before Feb. 6 to confirm your space.'
> Ironically, I forgot to rsvp but they sent me a reminder last week  
> which I
> completed.

Thanks. I'll send them an email and see what happens.

I definitely registered before January 30.

Chris Shiflett

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