[nycphp-talk] PHP and Flex

Ben Sgro ben at
Tue Feb 17 17:40:07 EST 2009


At my company we use Zend (no AMF though) with flex front ends. We talk 
to Flex via XML. It works great.
What Zend lacked was a truly RESTful router, so we extended Zend and 
created one.

Zend is nice because it doesn't force you to solve problems in a 
particular way - it gives you the tools.
But if your not utilizing Zend (db, caching, etc) maybe you don't need it.

- Ben

Artur Marnik wrote:
> Hi all
> Recently I've started creating some project using PHP on the back-end 
> and Flex on the front-end and so far I was using XML files for data 
> transfer
> Recently I started testing with zend framework and zend_amf
> do you think that for project that is using just flex on the user side 
> I should use zend framework and their MVC structure? or it is just to 
> much of a hassle with little benefit?
> From what I read I can use just zend_amf without the framework - does 
> anyone has any experience with it?
> Thanks,
> Artur
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