[nycphp-talk] Designer Advice

Leam Hall leam at
Thu Jul 23 05:47:24 EDT 2009

Wow...I like his site! Nice clean design!

Now I know who to call, even though he's not local to me.  :)


Eddie Drapkin wrote:

> At the shop, we make use of a fellow named Jesse Arnold, his site is
> here: .  He does some pretty solid work,
> provides HTML/CSS/PSD.  He's based out of brooklyn, so he's local.
> I'd recommend (and I have before) him to anyone that needs design
> work.  There's some examples of his work at his site and I for one
> usually wind up impressed when he takes some markup I've written and
> "makes it pretty" after I "make it work" as the office joke goes =)
> Probably not what you're expecting, but he fits your reqs (and
> probably your price, but that's between you and him :]) so I couldn't
> help but refer a friend.
> --Eddie

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