[nycphp-talk] Frameworks & Fast Iterations

Adrian Noland anoland at
Sat Jul 25 12:12:30 EDT 2009

I work with the assumption that the site will *need* to be rewritten in
18-24 months. If you can live with the current version of the framework,
keep it on hand. The idea being, you can leap-frog several versions of the
framework, and refactor/rewrite with large changes on both the site and the

The definition of "need" being a subjective one. If the client hasn't yet
realized a rework is in order, you will have to do some education and
nudging in that direction. Does anybody still work on any pre-"web 2.0"
anymore? I don't think so.

I believe this is a healthy mindset to have. Just because it is C doesn't
mean it is safe either. At a previous job, they had some legacy CGI that ran
some custom C module written years and years ago. Nobody would touch it
because it "just worked". When RedHat stopped shipping the only GCC that
would compile the module, we had to hastily abandon it and hack together a
workaround.  Caused everybody a headache for a couple weeks.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Brian D. <brian at> wrote:

> - How do you deal with quickly-morphing PHP frameworks when some
> applications tend to stay in production for years at a time?
> - Do any of you have a good experience with a framework that ages well?


> How do you guys handle this?
> - Brian
> --
> realm3 web applications
> p: 917-512-3594
> f: 440-744-3559
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