[nycphp-talk] Best Cell Phone for a PHP Programmer

Paul A Houle paul at
Tue Jul 28 13:07:21 EDT 2009

Anthony Wlodarski wrote:
> Yes but your chances of getting an app published are slim to none with 
> an iPhone.  I find this to be true as the big G was denied this 
> morning.  
> I own a Touch Pro.  When making web apps I tailor the standards to the 
> minimum that that phone has (runs Opera too).
    The rejection of Google Voice could be the end of the iPhone,  or at 
least an opportunity for a competitor to get in.

    From the viewpoint of telephone carriers,  Google Voice is a 
disruptive technology.  Allow people to route calls to VoIP or landline 
could cut seriously into the the "selling minutes" racket that is the 
main business of the carriers.  Google Voice gives you (practical) 
number portability without filling out paperwork,  waiting or dealing 
with complex legal requirements.

    In the long term,  the carriers can't make a profit from both 
selling minutes and selling data services:  a minute of cell phone 
service is (at most) 18kb of data,  and more like 9kb when you consider 
TASI.  Pages at big internet properties (Yahoo and Facebook) are 
typically around 40kb,  and that's the equivalent of 4 minutes right 
there...  If you sell data service at a price people can accept,  VoIP 
will undercut minutes,  so carriers are pressured to control what people 
can do with the data service.

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