[nycphp-talk] Google Apps

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Jul 28 20:21:29 EDT 2009

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Che Hodgins wrote:

> Personally, I find I lose a lot of formatting when I upload a docx to
google docs... but its still usable.

If you're uploading docs into it, then its not your primary office suite?

I dont have any problem using Google Docs, it has 90% of the features that 
most people use. You dont have to be a programmer to click on a toolbar 
that uses the same icons as Word or Excel. The biggest stumbling block to 
get past is the idea that your documents live in the cloud.

I would also have a look at ZoHo apps too though - they have a bunch of 
additional apps not covered by Google. They also have a framework and app 
'store' where you can build your own apps.

I also like the idea of using wikis to document stuff, so Ive also been 
playing with PBWorks (formerly PBWiki).


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