[nycphp-talk] stopping comment spam with PHP

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Tue Jun 2 16:23:56 EDT 2009

I am not using WordPress, Drupal, or other CMS, blog software, frameworks,
so plugins for those won't work, but maybe I can learn something from them.


You might consider looking at  This is the data/API
provider that the WordPress plugin uses.  You can get a key and then access
their API using your application.  You will have the opportunity to check
your comments against a HUGE database of comments from WordPress blogs and
other sites all over the world. Plus, if you choose to, you can contribute
to the database by classifying the comments as spam or not as you approve

I believe there are other technologies that offer comparable services,
however I am not as familiar with them.

Warmest regards,
Hans Kaspersetz

Cyber X Designs,, builds promotional websites,
ecommerce websites, and portals with open source technologies for companies
world wide.

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