[nycphp-talk] stopping comment spam with PHP

Konstantin Rozinov krozinov at
Tue Jun 2 18:49:55 EDT 2009

Thanks guys for the info and links.  I will check out akismet and Disqus.

I also found this article, which was a simple explanation of some
techniques using hidden fields:

I'll let you all know if I find anything interesting regarding this topic.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Hans C. Kaspersetz
<hans at> wrote:
> I am not using WordPress, Drupal, or other CMS, blog software, frameworks,
> so plugins for those won't work, but maybe I can learn something from them.
> Konstantin,
> You might consider looking at  This is the data/API
> provider that the WordPress plugin uses.  You can get a key and then access
> their API using your application.  You will have the opportunity to check
> your comments against a HUGE database of comments from WordPress blogs and
> other sites all over the world. Plus, if you choose to, you can contribute
> to the database by classifying the comments as spam or not as you approve
> them.
> I believe there are other technologies that offer comparable services,
> however I am not as familiar with them.
> Warmest regards,
> Hans Kaspersetz
> Cyber X Designs,, builds promotional websites,
> ecommerce websites, and portals with open source technologies for companies
> world wide.
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