[nycphp-talk] Periodic group availability

David Krings ramons at
Wed Jun 3 20:10:37 EDT 2009

Michele Waldman wrote:
> on with the development.  How many times have you thought, “I wonder 
> what it looks like in IE6?”  So, join a group now.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but isn't that something a VM and the IE 
package from Tredosoft can do? Does browsercam do something that the regular 
IE instances can't do? When I test browser based apps at work I have one 
Windows VM and a Linux VM with all the popular and not so popular browsers 
including IE from version 3.0 up. That covers all rendering engines and about 
all OS (after all Mac OS X is just a window manager on top of BSD, but I also 
got a Mac for testing). I recently transferred those VMs from Workstation to 
Server 2.0 so that I can run it one a different box. And with the free TechNet 
accounts that Microsoft gives out I could even run the IEs natively on yet 
another set of VMs.


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