[nycphp-talk] Apache is killing me.

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Mar 11 11:13:44 EDT 2009

John Campbell wrote:
> I am having an intermittent issue where Apache just craps out.  It
> seems to happen in the middle of the night for no reason.  It crapped
> out twice in December, and again last night.  I have no idea what the
> issue is.  There is nothing in the error log.  Restarting apache fixes
> the problem.

Is it running but not processing requests?  Or is it no longer  
running?  Maybe it's rotating log files but doesn't start back up  
properly?  Otherwise, maybe some type of odd segmentation fault?

On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:
> Hrmm, did you check the server's log files from the time of the  
> crash/shutdown?  What's the OS?

Yeah, syslog might have something.

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