[nycphp-talk] APC for a custom PHP session handler

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Tue Mar 24 23:44:38 EDT 2009

Don't do it.  It is either a solution to a problem you don't have, or
the wrong solution.  APC has one datastore per server, which will be a
disaster once you have more than 1 front end machine, or if you have
to restart the webserver then all your users will get logged out.

What do you store in sessions?  The most performant solution is
tamper-proof cookies, but that only works if the amount of data you
are storing is always less than ~3k, and you must write the session
before any output is sent.

The second best is database or database+memcache.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Steve Manes <smanes at> wrote:
> Has anyone done this?  I know that memcached can be used as an alternative
> data store for PHP sessions but I don't recall anyone trying this with APC.
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