[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri May 15 15:15:32 EDT 2009

Cablevision isn't bad.. it depends on the density of "high use" 
customers in your area. I noticed several times this winter, when the 
neighborhood was snowed in, the throughput went to crap. All other times 
my downstream is about 13Mbps, upstream 1.5Mbps.  They block port 80, 
443, 1080 and 25, but you can still run your ssh on 22 and http on a 
different port.


David Mintz wrote:
> Anybody using Verizon's FIOS and have any comments? I am moving next 
> week (from Maplewood NJ to South Orange NJ) and considering ordering. 
> I want to make sure they don't do block you from connecting to your 
> own machine via http or ssh from outside your home. That would be a 
> dealbreaker.
> The other broadband alternative in this area is Cablevision. Any 
> comments? Thanks.
> -- 
> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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