[nycphp-talk] CMS - Textpattern

Peter Becker peterbsemail at
Sun Nov 8 20:09:55 EST 2009

That'd be like "off the charts" (in a bad way).  And your question is 
exactly where I'm at.  The designer swears by it, but have not met 
anyone that's even heard of it.  He says it's probably because it's more 
like a set of tags/libraries so it's not as though there's something to 
see except a result.  Well I'm going to have my guys check it out and 
maybe someone will pop up from under a rock somewhere...


Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> I think this is the reason for so little feedback:
> Not presuming anything other than overall web traffic stats, meaning
> this project is either one of those great under-the-radar sleepers, a
> brash young up-an-comer, or a project that just never took off. Don't
> know personally which of the three Textpattern is.
> Anybody using it?
> -- Mitch
> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Peter Becker <peterbsemail at> wrote:
>> Hi all -
>> Are any of you familiar with or have used a CMS called Textpattern?  I
>> recently have begun working with a designer who uses Textpattern which is
>> his CMS of choice. We're still in the evaluation process of my other project
>> for a CMS system (thank you for your contributions, and will report back
>> here the results when complete) and no one NYPHP Talk had brought that one
>> up.  So I was curious as to whether it didn't even make the first cut, or
>> just that it is not well known/used, which can be indicative of an inferior
>> product at worst or one without a lot of support at best.  Any light shed is
>> appreciated.
>> Once again - thanks,
>> Peter
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