[nycphp-talk] manipulating an IMAP account

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sun Oct 4 11:59:09 EDT 2009

Hey David:

> One option that occurs to me is to extend Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap and
> override the parts that are giving me grief. But.... is that sound practice?

It's excellent practice.  This way you get the benefits of the original 
class and the benefits of of the fix, all without having to modify the 
original class file.

Going one step further is to open a bug report (which I see someone has).

The next level of karma is obtained by checking out the project in 
SVN/CVS/whatever, fixing the problem and submitting the output of 
"<cvs/svn/whatever> diff" onto the bug report.

And if you want to reach nirvana, you'll modify and enhance the related 
unit tests and submit those along with the bug report.


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