[nycphp-talk] developer's machine specs -- recomendations?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Oct 19 16:57:20 EDT 2009

Glenn Powell |nyphp MAIN ONE dev/internal group 
use| wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2009, at 4:02 PM, John Campbell wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Allen Shaw
>> <allen at> wrote:
>>> I'd love to hear any advice on what makes a good web developer's 
>>> machine.
>>>  At this point I don't have a lot of places to ask, other than vendors
>>> who'll just sell me as much as they can con me into.
>> I just got a new MacBook Pro today, and I gave my one year old MacBook
>> Pro to a co-worker. My new computer has a glossy display, and the
>> reflection is terrible with a black background in the terminal.  I am
>> okay with a white background, which makes the reflection go away, but
>> if you code on a black background, make sure you get a computer with a
>> matte display.
>> Regards,
>> John Campbell
> I also have a MacBook Pro. Same issue with the glossy screen.
> I got the glossy because I thought it would be more durable...
> Having said that, I really like the machine and I take my dev env. 
> with me wherever I go.
> A little off topic now...
> Took me a day or 2 to get used to a white background.
> Btw, I use vim,  and open white backgrounds for my dev, and use different
> colors for ssh to  db servers, production web servers, etc.
> I think it helps to avoid confusion and potential problems, especially 
> when I'm tired.
> Glenn
I carried a TP42p 15.4" xtra bright xtra high res sreen for years, and 
on the advice of others got a new one with 14" widescreen (T400). They 
said I'd appreciate carrying it around, 14" was enough, new screens are 
even brighter, etc.

Wrong on everything except for the brightness thing. New screen is 
awesome bright, high contrast, but of lower resolution and 14" wide 
screen sucks as a format. I carry it with an extended battery so it's no 
smaller than the old 15" anyway. I miss the old screen size every day.

Good part is I spent so little on the T400 I can buy another and still 
be well under the cost of my old t42p. Unfortunately, the old t42p was a 
real IBM (not a Lenovo) so it still works great... and my son won't need 
to inherit this t400 for a long time. I need another excuse to get 
another machine.

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