[nycphp-talk] Bad ISP Problem: Need New Domain Registration, Management and Hosting Service

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Sat Sep 5 21:34:55 EDT 2009

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Ajai Khattri<ajai at> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Sep 2009, Michael B Allen wrote:
>> But I also need minimal hosting. I have one site that is just a static
>> page with two images and another for a family member to learn PHP and
>> web stuff. I would rather host these off of my VPS. I even paid an
>> extra $50 for the PHP site.
>> Someone recommend eNom but it is considerably more expensive. I
>> suppose I got what I paid for.
>> I don't understand why it should cost more than $10 / yr to host a few
>> DNS records and maybe a static web page.
> I use GoDaddy for that.

Turns out I'm already hosting a site with GoDaddy and didn't even
realize it until I called them asking about their service. Duh. So I
have initiated transfer of all of my domains to them.

Incidentally, the now old ISP finally responded to my issue. But they
had to convert my account in some goofy way to do it. That's probably
what took them so long. And it still didn't really solve my issue.

But that's not the worst of it. They sent me an email with my password
in it totally in the clear. That should be against the law. It so
happened to be close to a password I use for banking and such. I just
spent the last hour changing passwords.

Man will I be glad when the transfers to GoDaddy are complete.

>> Maybe the current "ISP" is trying to get rid of me and not answering
>> support requests is their way of dropping customers that don't buy
>> enough extra services.
> I also run my own DNS for some domains on my own virtual server, Im
> paying $20/month for my own private server with Linode ( I use
> that for hosting some small sites, hosting email, and as a server to play
> around/develop code on.

I have used for many years. Great service.


Michael B Allen
Java Active Directory Integration

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