[nycphp-talk] independent contractors and OSS

Allen Shaw allen at
Wed Sep 9 11:32:10 EDT 2009

Chris Snyder wrote:
> ... the reason why I want the code to
> be licensed as open is so that I can reuse anything useful...
> They own the copyright, which makes them feel good. It "goes with the
> flow" legally by not trying to change the rules of work for hire.
> ... they can do whatever they want in the future,
> including going proprietary with future code.
> ... I can legally and ethically
> incorporate functional parts of the project into my own toolkit...
> ... if the client has property that is being worked into the
> project, ... keep those things separate from
> the open source codebase. 
All very good points, Chris.  This discussion helps a lot in sketching 
out something to review with my lawyer.  It will be a couple of months 
before I do that -- I'm building a list of a few issues so I can make 
the best use of his billing increments. ;-)

I'll (try to remember to) report back here with feedback after that 


Allen Shaw

"Data Management, Web Applications, and the Meaning of Life"

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