[nycphp-talk] Yahoo Special Presentation - Topic Selection

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Sep 23 19:00:24 EDT 2009

Hi all,

As a precursor to the Yahoo Hack Day (free event, see for details and to register), we're pleased
to hold a special presentation by YDN's Tom Hughes-Croucher on Thursday,
October 8th (details to follow).

We have some options for the presentation topic, which I've outlined below.
Please provide feedback and votes on your favorite topic ASAP (either
discuss on list, or vote by emailing me directly).

Our options are:

   * Get any Web Data as if you are using SQL: a YQL quick-start guide
   * Accessibility: What, Why, How?
   * Mobile Data: how to avoid the latency trap when using web services

Thank you to Yahoo and Tom for making this possible, and we look forward to
your response.

Hans Zaunere / Managing Member / New York PHP

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