[nycphp-talk] MAMP or XAMPP ?

Michael Hernandez sequethin at
Tue Apr 27 13:17:12 EDT 2010

On Apr 27, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Ajai Khattri wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Anthony Wlodarski wrote:
>> I would never recommend that on Ubuntu or a Debain package based systems.
>> Use "sudo tasksel" and then select "LAMP Server".  Tasksel is a package
>> management tool for the meta packages that point to the most recent version
>> of the software that exists in the stack.  That way you don't have to piece
>> together PHP5, MySQL, and Apache and their latest versions.  Since learning
>> about tasksel I have been loving Ubuntu 9.10 server edition and rolling out
>> new instances.
> Another way to go (if you need lots of different environments) is to use 
> Ubuntu in a virtual environment. Ive used VirtualBox in the past. VMware 
> Fusion is also very decent in Mac.
> -- 
> Aj.
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> New York PHP Users Group Community Talk Mailing List

I'm a late comer to this thread, not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but there's also Zend Server. I use community edition on my mac as well as ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server... works great, complete stack, nice little admin/management backend... free, etc. Installs from a repo...

--Mike H

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