[nycphp-talk] SalesForce

Fernando Gabrieli fgabrieli at
Tue Aug 10 16:01:35 EDT 2010

Thanks again Paul, i'll see what they want to do about this

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Paul A Houle <paul at> wrote:

> Fernando Gabrieli wrote:
>> Paul,
>> First of all, thank you for sharing all this information
>> In this case it seems like a client is already using SalesForce and asking
>> about doing some changes. So after this i've been asked about how many time
>> it would take for a developer to get into the platform
>> My first guess was a week, then i downloaded the manual (with > 300 pages)
>> and i started thinking in two weeks, but if it's Java i don't think we'll be
>> able to take it. We are doing PHP mostly, also FB apps, ASP, AS, but not
>> Java
>> From what you are telling me, it seems like we might need to develop in
>> Java, not in PHP, is this correct?
>>    The language is APEX,  which is very similar to Java -- there's an IDE
> for APEX that runs in Eclipse.
>   You definitely can write applications in some other language that access
> Salesforce via a SOAP API.  In my experience this works very well with
> Microsoft's SOAP stack in .NET,  I can't say I've ever tried it with PHP.
>  On the other hand,  if you host the whole app in Salesforce there are some
> big advantages in terms of reliability,  performance,  not having to
> sysadmin,  etc.
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